Professional Website Development using HTML5, CSS3, Responsive design, WordPress, Drupal, Symfony2, custom PHP programming / mySQL and more!

Items taggued under : Expert SEO Services

Website Maintenance

I offer my website development services on an as needed basis. This is perfect for small companies that do not need a full time in house programmer. If you need small scale ongoing monthly website maintenance, I can support your needs in this capacity.

Organic SEO

That’s short for Search Engine Optimization. The first question people ask when we talk about SEO is ‘How can I be top of Google for my keywords…’ well the truth is, there is no magic formula to make this happen, all good freelance web designers know this.

But, I happen to be very well educated in SEO, so I ensure that your title tags, heading tags and keywords are all in perfect working order, which will give you the very best chance to get to that coveted position in Google or any of the other search engines.